카자흐스탄 하반기 국제박람회 일정 | ||
일 정 | 전 시 품 목 | 장 소 |
9/6~9 | 건축, 인테리어, 난방 | 알마틔 아타켄트 전시장 |
9/6~8 | 운송, 물류 | 아스타나 알라타우 체육관 |
9/14~16 | 식료품, 포장 | 아틔라우 아틔라우 체육관 |
9/20~22 | 광물, 금속 | 알마틔 아타켄트 전시장 |
9/20~22 | 운송장비, 건축설비 | 알마틔 아타켄트 전시장 |
9/20~22 | 전자, 컴퓨터, 보안장비 | 아스타나 콘그레스 포름 |
9/21~23 | 전자, 가전 | 알마틔 아타켄트 전시장 |
9/28~30 | 오락 | 아스타나 콘그레스 포름 |
10/3~6 | 원유, 가스 | 알마틔 아타켄트 전시장 |
10/12~14 | 전자, 가구, 인테리어 | 아스타나 콘그레스 포름 |
10/26~28 | 의류, 신발, 섬유 | 알마틔 아타켄트 전시장 |
10월 31일 | 가정용품 | 알마틔 아스타나 호텔 |
11/1~3 | 에너지 | 알마틔 아타켄트 전시장 |
11/1~4 | 인쇄, 출판 | 알마틔 아타켄트 전시장 |
11/2~4 | 세탁, 청소 | 알마틔 아타켄트 전시장 |
현지자료를 번역한거라 잘된거 같지는 않지만....
현지 방문시 참고하시라고 번역해서 올립니다.
6 September - 9 September 2006 KazBuild 2006
13th Kazakhstan International Exhibition Building & Construction, Interiors, Heating & Ventilation 20 September - 22 September 2006 EcoTech 2006
3-d Central Asian International Exhibition “EcoTechnologies and Services for Industrial and Municipal Sectors” 20 September - 22 September 2006 MiningWorld Central Asia 2006
12th Central Asian International Exhibition and Conference for Mining and Processing of Metals and Minerals 20 September - 22 September 2006 AstanaKitel 2006
8th Kazakhstan International Exhibition Telecommunications, Office & Computer Technologies and Security Systems 20 September - 22 September 2006 Kazcomak 2006
3rd Kazakhstan International Road & Heavy Construction Exhibition 20 September - 22 September 2006 Transit-Trans Kazakhstan 2006
9th Kazakhstan International Exhibition Transport and Logistics 20 September - 22 September 2006 AtyrauFood 2006
5th North Caspian Regional Exhibition Foodstuffs, Drinks, Packaging and Equipment 21 September - 23 September 2006 CEM Central Asia 2006
3rd International Central Asian Exhibition of Household Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Houseware 27 September - 29 September 2006 BishkekTelecom 2006
2nd Kyrgyz International Exhibition on Telecommunications, Computer and Information Technologies 28 September - 30 September 2006 Astana Leisure 2006
3rd Kazakhstan International Tourism Exhibition in Astana |
3 October - 6 October 2006 KIOGE 2006
14th Kazakhstan International Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference 12 October - 14 October 2006 HomeStyle Astana 2006
3rd Kazakhstan International Specialised Exhibition Household Appliances, Furniture and Interiors 26 October - 28 October 2006 Moda and TextileExpo 2006
4th Central Asian International Exhibition Clothing, Footwear, Accessories, Textile, Technology and Equipment for Light Industry 31 October - 31 October 2006 AgriCA 2006
4th Central Asian International Conference Agriculture and Food Industry 1 November - 3 November 2006 Power Kazakhstan 2006
5th Kazakhstan International Conference and Exhibition Power and Lighting 1 November - 4 November 2006 WorldFood Kazakhstan 2006
9th Central Asian International Food Industry Exhibition 2 November - 4 November 2006 CleanExpo 2006
4th Central Asian Specialised Exhibition Cleaners, Dry Cleaning and Laundry Machines, Cleaning Equipment |
출처 : 카자흐스탄 정보마당
글쓴이 : zhanna 원글보기
메모 :
'중앙아시아진출' 카테고리의 다른 글
[스크랩] 알마티, 아파트 건설 고급형에서 서민형으로 전환 중 (0) | 2006.07.28 |
[스크랩] 카자흐공화국 토지 법률 (0) | 2006.07.28 |
[스크랩] 카자흐스탄 업체, Ultrasounds, Tomographs, X-ray, Angiography 수입희망 (0) | 2006.07.28 |
[스크랩] 카자흐스탄 업체, 볼펜, 연필 수입희망 (0) | 2006.07.28 |
[스크랩] 세계주요 50국, 카자흐스탄 평균임금 (0) | 2006.07.28 |