
85개언어별 성경텍스트다운과 성경오디오 다운사이트.

주거시엔셩 2015. 6. 25. 10:26





(개인적으로  선교지에서는 창세기와 마가복음, 요한 복음을  각각 mp3 로 다운하여서   시디나 오디오테잎 형태로 만들어서

  선물하면  그 사람이나 동네에서 좋은 반응 을  얻게 된 기억이 나네요.., 

  비거주(가끔방문시) 전략시에 복음을 받아들인 가족이나 신자에게, 또는 신학교 신학생 졸업선물로도 좋습니다.)


(제가 지금 제작하고자 하는 복음전도만화 70쪽 분량 - 철이의 마음을  현지언어로 번역해주실분을 찾습니다. (협력작업,기술지원등)

  연락처 :  페이스북  국인주 ,   injuny3@hanmail.net  )



각언어별 성경텍스트 아래와 같음.

Home / Bibles / Resources / Downloads


By READING the Holy Bible you are letting the Words of Life change you, inspire you, and strengthen you. We are please to announce that you may now download IT for further use offline. Choose from one of the Bible languages below and be blessed! [If you are on an Android Mobile device, please, download and install an app to unzip the ZIP file first] - More instructions HERE

IF the links in your old version stop working, please, download the new version now available in this page.

Important Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of characters.

How to do it: After you download the file you unzip it, or uncompressed it, with a program that is freely available online. 7-zip, for example, is a good one and it is free. When you unzip the zip file you have a directory called 'af'', for Afrikaans, or 'kj' for English, etc... depending on the language you downloaded. You copy this directory into the place you want it in your computer [Desktop, for example], or into your mobile phone or smartphone and look for it in your storage card or memory. Inside the referred directory you should find a file called index.htm [or start.html]. Double-click on that file and the main page will open in your browser. You can make a shortcut to it and place it on the desktop. The Bible in the language you have chosen will now work as a web page, which you can use offline, that is without being connected to the Internet. The page you will see will look and work like THIS [except it will be in the language of your choice]: and has links to all the books of the Bible, which you can use. This process will be the same for any computer or operating system that allows copying into it.

Audio Download

To hear and download Audio Bibles available on this site, please go HERE.











Home / Bibles / Resources / Links



각 언어별  오디오 성경 다운.


Audio Bibles

Hear the Word of God.


If you are on a Mobile device you may download and try our free audio application for Android Systems:

Android Audio App

You may listen, from an audio playlist, to any Book of the Bible. Choose from one of the audio Bible languages below. Be blessed!

Important Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of characters.

How to do it: To download audio Bible files into your computer or smartphone, please click on your language, on the next page chose the book you wish to download, and at the end of the resulting page, click on the tab that says: "Download the Whole Book". The download will start and you find all files for that book in a ZIP format. Unzip [or uncompress] with a free program such as 7-zip. The resulting directory contains all audio chapters for that Bible book. Beware if you are downloading from your smarthphone or mobile phone, unless you are using Wi-Fi, the volume (size) of certain books may be large, which may result in costly charges on your phone. We suggest that you download the files on a computer and copy them into your smartphone or mobile