
영어반의어 모음

주거시엔셩 2014. 8. 1. 11:03

영어 반의어 모음

A. 명사

analysis(분석) ↔ synthesis(종합)
ancestor(선조) ↔ descendant(후손)
antipathy(반감) ↔ sympathy(동정, 동감)
ascent(상승) ↔ descent(하강)

birth(출생) ↔ death(사망)
cause(원인) ↔ effect(결과)
comedy(희극) ↔ tragedy(비극)
consumer(소비자) ↔ producer(생산자)
danger(위험) ↔ safety(안전)
defense(방어) ↔ offense(공격)
defeat(패배) ↔ victory(승리)
ebb(썰물) ↔ flow(밀물)
emigrant(출국하는 이민) ↔ immigrant(입국하는 이민)
end(목적) ↔ means(수단)
enemy(적) ↔ friend(친구)
expense(지출) ↔ income(수입)
export(수출) ↔ import(수입)
exterior(외부) ↔ interior(내부)
gain(이익) ↔ loss(손해)
heaven(천국) ↔ hell(지옥)
inferiority(열등, 열세) ↔ superiority(우월, 우세)
joy(기쁨) ↔ sorrow(슬픔)
labor(노동) ↔ capital(자본)
latitude(위도) ↔ longitude(경도)
majority(다수) ↔ minority(소수)
maximum(최대) ↔ minimum(최소)
mercy(자비) ↔ cruelty(잔인)
merit(장점) ↔ demerit(단점)
optimism(낙천주의) ↔ pessimism(비관주의)
optimist(낙천주의자) ↔ pessimist(비관주의자)
practice(실행, 실천) ↔ theory(이론)
peace(평화) ↔ war(전쟁)
quality(질) ↔ quantity(양)
revenue(세입) ↔ expenditure(세출)
soul(영혼) ↔ body(육체)
supply(공급) ↔ demand(수요)
synonym(동의어) ↔ antonym(반의어)
time(시간) ↔ space(공간)
vice(악덕) ↔ virtue(미덕)

B. 형용사

absolute(절대적인) ↔ relative(상대적인)
abstract(추상적인) ↔ concrete(구체적인)
affirmative(긍정의) ↔ negative(부정의)
ancient(고대의) ↔ modern(현대의)
arrogant(거만한) ↔ humble(소박한)
artificial(인공적인) ↔ natural(자연적인)
barren(불모의) ↔ fertile(기름진)
bitter(쓴) ↔ sweet(달콤한)
brave(용감한) ↔ cowardly(겁 많은)
cheap(싼) ↔ expensive(비싼)
clean(깨끗한) ↔ dirty(더러운)
cold(추운) ↔ hot(더운)
conservative(보수적인) ↔ radical(혁신적인), progressive(진보적인)
domestic(국내의) ↔ foreign(외국의)
doubtful(의심스러운) ↔ obvious(명백한)
dynamic(동적인) ↔ static(정적인)
empty(빈) ↔ full(가득 찬)
friendly(우호적인) ↔ hostile(적대시하는)
fat(뚱뚱한) ↔ lean(여윈)
full-time(전임의) ↔ part-time(시간제의)
guilty(유죄의) ↔ innocent(무죄의)
general(일반적인) ↔ special, specific(특수한, 특수의)
inner(내부의) ↔ outer(외부의)
junior(손아래의) ↔ senior(손위의)
loose(헐거운) ↔ tight(꼭 끼는)
mental(정신적인) ↔ physical(육체적인)
male(남성의) ↔ female(여성의)
masculine(남성적인) ↔ feminine(여성적인)
material(물질적인) ↔ spiritual(정신적인)
permanent(영구적인) ↔ temporary(일시적인)
private(사적인) ↔ public(공적인)
passive(수동적인) ↔ active(능동적인)
rural(시골의) ↔ urban(도시의)
sharp(날카로운) ↔ dull(둔한)
simple(단순한) ↔ complex(복잡한)
smooth(부드러운) ↔ rough(거친)
subjective(주관적인) ↔ objective(객관적인)
superior(우월한) ↔ inferior(열등한)
tame(길들인) ↔ wild(야생의)
thick(두꺼운) ↔ thin(얇은)
true(참된) ↔ false(거짓의)
vertical(수직의) ↔ horizontal(수평의)
voluntary(자발적인) ↔ compulsory(강제적인)
wholesale(도매의) ↔ retail(소매의)

C. 동사 

accept(수락하다) ↔ reject(거절하다)
admire(찬탄하다) ↔ despise(멸시하다)
allow(허락하다) ↔ forbid(금지하다)
attach(붙이다) ↔ detach(분리하다)
attack(공격하다) ↔ defend(막다, 지키다)
borrow(빌리다) ↔ lend(빌려주다)
consume(소비하다) ↔ produce(생산하다)
conceal(숨기다) ↔ reveal(폭로하다)
construct(건설하다) ↔ destroy(파괴하다)
deduce(연역하다) ↔ induce(귀납하다)
descend(하강하다) ↔ ascend(오르다)
dismiss(해고하다) ↔ employ(고용하다)
earn(벌다) ↔ spend(쓰다, 소비하다)
encourage(격려하다) ↔ discourage(낙담시키다)
forget(잊어버리다) ↔ remember(기억하다)
forgive(용서하다) ↔ punish(벌하다)
freeze(얼어붙다) ↔ melt(녹다)
increase(증가하다) ↔ decrease(감소하다)
lose(시계가 늦다) ↔ gain(빠르다)
permit(허락하다) ↔ forbid(금지하다)
praise(칭찬하다) ↔ blame(비난하다)
push(밀다) ↔ pull(당기다)
respect(존경하다) ↔ despise(경멸하다, 얕보다)
separate(분리하다) ↔ unite(결합하다)
shorten(짧게 하다) ↔ lengthen(길게 하다)
succeed(성공하다) ↔ fail(실패하다)
teach(가르치다) ↔ learn(배우다)
underestimate(과소 평가하다) ↔ overestimate(과대 평가하다)
unite(결합하다) ↔divide(나누다)

D. 접두사와 접미사에 의한 반의어

normal(정상적인) ↔ abnormal(비정상적인)
advantage(유리) ↔ disadvantage(불리)
appear(나타나다) ↔ disappear(사라지다)
arm(무장하다) ↔ disarm(무장 해제하다)
approve(승인하다) ↔ disapprove(승인하지 않다)
honour(명예) ↔ dishonour(불명예)
obey(복종하다) ↔ disobey(불복종하다)
mortal(필멸의) ↔ immortal(불멸의)
partial(불공평한) ↔ impartial(공평한)
patient(참을성 있는) ↔ impatient(참을성 없는)
perfect(완전한) ↔ imperfect(무례한)
modest(겸손한) ↔ immodest(건방진)
possible(가능한) ↔ impossible(불가능한)
ability(능력) ↔ inability(무능력)
complete(완전한) ↔ incomplete(불완전한)
convenient(편리한) ↔ inconvenient(불편한)
direct(직접의) ↔ indirect(간접의)
dependent(의존하는) ↔ independent(독립한)
sufficient(충분한) ↔ insufficient(불충분한)
visible(보이는) ↔ invisible(보이지 않는)
decent(품위 있는) ↔ indecent(품위 없는)
organic(유기의) ↔ inorganic(무기의)
legal(합법적인) ↔ illegal(불법적인)
literate(글을 아는) ↔ illiterate(문맹의)
logical(논리적인) ↔ illogical(불합리한)
regular(규칙적인) ↔ irregular(불규칙적인)
rational(합리적인) ↔ irrational(불합리한)
resistible(저항할 수 있는) ↔ irresistible(저항할 수 없는)
responsible(책임 있는) ↔ irresponsible(책임 없는)
fortune(행운) ↔ misfortune(불행)
understand(이해하다) ↔ misunderstand(오해하다)
lead(인도하다) ↔ mislead(오도하다)
guide(안내하다) ↔ misguide(잘못 안내하다)
treat(대접하다) ↔ maltreat(푸대접하다)
content(만족한) ↔ malcontent(불만의)
nutrition(영양) ↔ malnutrition(영양 실조)
noble(고귀한) ↔ ignoble(비천한)
arctic(북극의) ↔ antarctic(남극의)
conscious(의식의) ↔ unconscious(무의식의)
happy(행복한) ↔ unhappy(불행한)
comfortable(편안한) ↔ uncomfortable(불편한)
employment(취업) ↔ unemployment(실업)
fortunate(운 좋은) ↔ unfortunate(불행한)
worthy(가치 있는) ↔ unworthy(가치 없는)
tie(매다) ↔ untie(풀다)
load(싣다) ↔ unload(짐을 풀다)
exclude(배제하다) ↔ include(포함하다)
enable(가능케 하다) ↔ disable(불가능하게 하다)
overvalue(과대 평가하다) ↔ undervalue(과소 평가하다)
good-natured(상냥한) ↔ ill-natured(못된)
ascent(동의) ↔ dissent(이의)
upward(위로) ↔ downward(아래로)
upstairs(위층으로) ↔ downstairs(아래층으로)
hopeful(희망적인) ↔ hopeless(희망 없는)
cheerful(기분 좋은) ↔ cheerless(기분 나쁜)
powerful(강력한) ↔ powerless(무기력한)
harmful(유해한) ↔ harmless(무해한)
heir(상속인) ↔ heiress(여자 상속인)
host(주인) ↔ hostess(여주인)
poet(시인) ↔ poetess(여류 시인)
author(작가) ↔ authoress(여류 작가)
god(신) ↔ goddess(여신)
actor(배우) ↔ actress(여배우)
hero(주인공) ↔ heroine(여주인공)
widow(과부) ↔ widower(홀아비)
duke(공작) ↔ duchess(공작 부인)
waiter(급사) ↔ waitress(여급)
emperor(황제) ↔ empress(황후)

http://blog.daum.net/ilileo/<wbr />141

영어 반의어 활용

about ↔ exactly
above ↔ below
absence ↔ presence
abundance ↔ lack
to accept ↔ to refuse
accidental ↔ intentional
active ↔ lazy
to add ↔ to subtract
to admit ↔ to deny
adult ↔ child
advanced ↔ elementary
affirmative ↔ negative
after ↔ before
against ↔ for
alike ↔ different
alive ↔ dead
all of ↔ none of
ancient ↔ modern
to agree ↔ to refuse, to argue
to allow ↔ to forbid
already ↔ not yet
always ↔ never
amateur ↔ professional
to amuse ↔ to bore
angel ↔ devil
animal ↔ human
to annoy ↔ to satisfy
to answer ↔ to ask
answer ↔ question
apart ↔ together
approximately ↔ exactly
to argue ↔ to agree
to arrest ↔ to free, to set free
arrival ↔ departure
to arrive ↔ to depart, to leave
artificial ↔ natural
to ask ↔ to answer
asleep ↔ awake
to attack ↔ to defend
attack ↔ defence, protection
attic ↔ cellar
autumn ↔ spring
awake ↔ asleep
awful ↔ delicious, nice, pleasant

back ↔ in front of
background ↔ foreground
backward ↔ forward
bad ↔ good
bad luck ↔ fortune, good luck
beauty ↔ ugliness
before ↔ after
to begin ↔ to end, to stop, to finish
beginning ↔ end, ending
behind ↔ in front of
below ↔ above
better ↔ worse
beautiful ↔ ugly
big ↔ small, little
birth ↔ death
bitter ↔ sweet
black ↔ white
body ↔ soul
to bore ↔ to amuse, to be interested in
boring ↔ exciting, interesting
to borrow ↔ to lend
bottom ↔ top
boy ↔ girl
brave ↔ cowardly
to break ↔ to mend
broad ↔ narrow
brother ↔ sister
to build ↔ to destroy
busy ↔ lazy
to buy ↔ to sell

calm ↔ excited
careful ↔ careless
careless ↔ careful
to catch ↔ to miss
ceiling ↔ floor
cellar ↔ attic
centre ↔ outskirt, suburb
certainly ↔ probably
changeable ↔ constant
cheap ↔ expensive
child ↔ adult, grown-up
children ↔ parents
clean ↔ dirty
clear ↔ cloudy
clever ↔ stupid
to close ↔ to open
closed ↔ open
cloudy ↔ clear, sunny, bright
cold ↔ hot
cold ↔ heat
comedy ↔ drama, tragedy
complicated ↔ simple
compulsory ↔ voluntary
to connect ↔ to separate
consonant ↔ vowel
constant ↔ changeable
construction ↔ destruction
to continue ↔ to interrupt
correct ↔ false, wrong
cool ↔ warm
courage ↔ fear
courageous ↔ cowardly
cowardly ↔ brave, courageous
to create ↔ to destroy
cruel ↔ human, kind
cry ↔ whisper
cry ↔ to laugh

to damage ↔ to repair
danger ↔ security, safety
dangerous ↔ safe
dark ↔ light
daughter ↔ son
dawn ↔ dusk
day ↔ night
dead ↔ alive
death ↔ birth, life
deep ↔ shallow
defeat ↔ victory
defence ↔ attack
to defend ↔ to attack
delicious ↔ awful
to deny ↔ to admit
to depart ↔ to arrive
departure ↔ arrival
desperate ↔ hopeful
to destroy ↔ to build, to create, to form
destruction ↔ construction
devil ↔ angel
dictatorship ↔ republic
to die ↔ to live
different ↔ alike, equal, the same
difficult ↔ easy
dirty ↔ clean
disease ↔ health
disk ↔ dawn
distant ↔ near
to divide ↔ to unite
division ↔ unity
to divorce ↔ to marry
divorced ↔ married
divorce ↔ marriage, wedding
domestic ↔ foreign
down ↔ up
downstairs ↔ upstairs
drama ↔ comedy
dry ↔ humid, wet
dull ↔ interesting

early ↔ late
east ↔ west
easy ↔ difficult, hard
elementary ↔ advanced
to emigrate ↔ to immigrate
emigration ↔ immigration
empty ↔ full
to end ↔ to begin
end ↔ beginning
ending ↔ beginning
enemy ↔ friend
to enjoy ↔ to hate
to enter ↔ to leave
entrance ↔ exit
equal ↔ different
even ↔ odd
evening ↔ morning
everybody ↔ nobody
everything ↔ nothing
exactly ↔ about, approximately
excited ↔ calm
exciting ↔ boring
to exclude ↔ to include
exit ↔ entrance
expensive ↔ cheap
export ↔ import
exposure ↔ shelter
extreme ↔ moderate

to fail ↔ to succeed, to pass
failure ↔ success
false ↔ correct, true
far ↔ near
fast ↔ slow
fat ↔ slim, thin
fear ↔ courage
female ↔ male
few ↔ many
final ↔ first
to find ↔ to lose
to finish ↔ to begin
finish ↔ start
first ↔ final, last
flat ↔ hilly
floor ↔ ceiling
to follow ↔ to lead
to forbid ↔ to allow, to let, to permit
for ↔ aginst
foreground ↔ background
foreign ↔ domestic
foreigner ↔ native
to forget ↔ to remember
to form ↔ to destroy
fortune ↔ bad luck
forward ↔ backward
to free ↔ to arrest
to freeze ↔ to melt
friend ↔ enemy
front ↔ rear
in front of ↔ back, behind
full ↔ empty
funny ↔ serious
future ↔ past

general ↔ particular, special
generous ↔ mean
gentle ↔ violent, rough, strict
gentleman ↔ lady
girl ↔ boy
to give ↔ to take
good ↔ bad
good luck ↔ bad luck
grown-up ↔ child
guest ↔ host
guilty ↔ innocent

happiness ↔ sadness
happy ↔ sad
handsome ↔ ugly
hard ↔ easy, soft
to harvest ↔ to plant
to hate ↔ to enjoy, to like, to love
health ↔ disease, illness
healthy ↔ ill
heat ↔ cold
heaven ↔ hell
heavy ↔ light
hell ↔ heaven
high ↔ deep
high ↔ low
hilly ↔ flat
to hit ↔ to miss
hopeful ↔ desperate, hopeless
hopeless ↔ hopeful
horizontical ↔ vertical
host ↔ guest, visitor
hot ↔ cold
huge ↔ tiny
human ↔ animal
human ↔ cruel
humid ↔ dry
hungry ↔ thirsty
husband ↔ wife

in front of ↔ back, behind
to ignore ↔ to notice
ill ↔ healty, well
to immigrate ↔ to emigrate
immigration ↔ emigration
import ↔ export
to include ↔ to exclude
to increase ↔ to reduce
innocent ↔ guilty
intelligent ↔ silly, stupid
intentional ↔ accidental
to be interested in ↔ to bore
interesting ↔ boring, dull
to interrupt ↔ to continue

junior ↔ senior

kind ↔ cruel

lack ↔ abundance, plenty
lady ↔ gentleman
to land ↔ to take off
land ↔ water
large ↔ small
last ↔ first
late ↔ early
to laugh ↔ to cry
lazy ↔ active, busy
to lead ↔ to follow
to learn ↔ to teach
to leave ↔ to arrive, to enter
left ↔ right
to lend ↔ to borrow
less ↔ more
to let ↔ to forbid
to lie ↔ to stand
life ↔ death
to like ↔ to hate
light ↔ dark
light ↔ heavy
liquid ↔ solid
little ↔ big, large
little ↔ much
to live ↔ to die
long ↔ short
to lose ↔ to find, to win
loser ↔ winner
loud ↔ quiet
to love ↔ to hate
lovely ↔ terrible
low ↔ high
bad luck ↔ good luck
good luck ↔ bad luck

major ↔ minor
male ↔ female
man ↔ woman
many ↔ few, some
marriage ↔ divorce
married ↔ divorced
to marry ↔ to divorce
master ↔ servant
maximum ↔ minimum
mean ↔ generous
to melt ↔ to freeze
men ↔ women
to mend ↔ to break
mess ↔ order
midnight ↔ noon
minimum ↔ maximum
minor ↔ major
to miss ↔ to hit
to miss ↔ to catch
moderate ↔ extreme
modern ↔ ancient, old
monarchy ↔ republic
moon ↔ sun
more ↔ less
morning ↔ evening
mountain ↔ valley
much ↔ little

narrow ↔ broad, wide
nasty ↔ nice, pleasant
native ↔ foreigner, stranger
natural ↔ artificial
near ↔ distant, far
negative ↔ affirmative
nephew ↔ niece
never ↔ always
new ↔ ancient, old
nice ↔ awful, nasty
niece ↔ nephew
night ↔ day
no ↔ yes
nobody ↔ everybody
noisy ↔ quiet, silent
noon ↔ midnight
none of ↔ al lof
normal ↔ strange
north ↔ south
not yet ↔ already
nothing ↔ everything
to notice ↔ to ignore
now ↔ then

occupied ↔ vacant
odd ↔ even
off ↔ on
often ↔ seldom, sometimes
old ↔ modern, new, young
on ↔ off
to open ↔ to close, to shut
open ↔ closed
opponent ↔ supporter
opposite ↔ synonym
order ↔ mess
ordinary ↔ special
other ↔ same
outskirt ↔ centre
over ↔ under

parents ↔ children
partial ↔ total
particular ↔ general
to pass ↔ to fail
past ↔ future, present
peace ↔ war
to permit ↔ to allow, to forbid
to plant ↔ to harvest
plenty ↔ lack
pleasant ↔ awful
polite ↔ rude
poor ↔ rich, wealthy
poverty ↔ wealth
powerful ↔ weak
presence ↔ absence
present ↔ past
pretty ↔ ugly
private ↔ public
probably ↔ certainly
professional ↔ amateur
to protect ↔ to attack
protection ↔ attack
public ↔ private
to pull ↔ to push
pupil ↔ teacher
to push ↔ to pull

question ↔ answer
quick ↔ slow
quiet ↔ loud, noisy

rainy ↔ sunny
rear ↔ front
to receive ↔ to send
to reduce ↔ to increase
to refuse ↔ to agree, to accept
regret ↔ satisfaction
to remember ↔ to forget
to repair ↔ to damage
to reply ↔ to ask
reply ↔ question
republic ↔ dictatorship, monarchy
to rest ↔ to work
rich ↔ poor
right ↔ left
right ↔ wrong
to rise ↔ to sink
rough ↔ gentle
rough ↔ smooth
rude ↔ polite
rural ↔ urban

sad ↔ happy
sadness ↔ happiness
safe ↔ dangerous
safety ↔ danger
salt ↔ sugar
the same ↔ different, the other
satisfaction ↔ regret
to satisfy ↔ to annoy
to save ↔ to spend, to waste
to scream ↔ to whisper
security ↔ danger
seldom ↔ often
to sell ↔ to buy
to send ↔ to receive, to save
senior ↔ junior
to separate ↔ to connect, to unite
serious ↔ funny
servant ↔ master
to set free ↔ to arrest
shallow ↔ deep
shelter ↔ exposure
short ↔ long, tall
to shout ↔ to whisper
to shut ↔ to open
silent ↔ noisy
silly ↔ intelligent
simple ↔ complicated
to sink ↔ to rise
sister ↔ brother
slim ↔ fat
slow ↔ fast, quick
small ↔ big, large, tall
smooth ↔ rough
soft ↔ hard
solid ↔ liquid
some ↔ many
sometimes ↔ often
son ↔ daughter
soul ↔ body
sour ↔ sweet
south ↔ north
special ↔ general, ordinary
spring ↔ autumn
to start ↔ to stop
start ↔ finish, end, stop
to stop ↔ to start
to stand ↔ to lie
strange ↔ normal
stranger ↔ native
strict ↔ gentle
stupid ↔ clever, intelligent
suburb ↔ centre
to succeed ↔ to fail
success ↔ failure
to subtract ↔ to add
sugar ↔ salt
summer ↔ winter
sun ↔ moon
sunny ↔ cloudy, rainy
supporter ↔ opponent
to suspect ↔ to trust
sweet ↔ bitter, sour
synonym ↔ opposite

to take ↔ to give
to take off ↔ to land
tall ↔ small, short
to teach ↔ to learn
teacher ↔ pupil
then ↔ now
terrible ↔ lovely
thick ↔ thin
thin ↔ thick, fat
thirsty ↔ hungry
tiny ↔ huge
together ↔ apart
tomorrow ↔ yesterday
top ↔ bottom
total ↔ partial
town ↔ village
tragedy ↔ comedy
to trust ↔ to suspect

ugliness ↔ beauty
ugly ↔ beautiful, handsome (boys), pretty (girls)
under ↔ over
to unite ↔ to divide, to separate
unity ↔ division
up ↔ down
upstairs ↔ downstairs
urban ↔ rural
useful ↔ useless
useless ↔ useful

vacant ↔ occupied
valley ↔ mountain
vertical ↔ horizontal
victory ↔ defeat
village ↔ town
violent ↔ gentle
visitor ↔ host
voluntary ↔ compulsory
vowel ↔ consonant

war ↔ peace
warm ↔ cool
to waste ↔ to save
water ↔ land
weak ↔ powerful
wealth ↔ poverty
wealthy ↔ poor
wedding ↔ divorce
well (gesund) ↔ ill
west ↔ east
wet ↔ dry
to whisper ↔ to scream, to shout
white ↔ black
wide ↔ narrow
wife ↔ husband
to win ↔ to lose
winner ↔ loser
winter ↔ summer
to work ↔ to rest
woman ↔ man
women ↔ men
worse ↔ better
wrong ↔ correct, right

yes ↔ no
yesterday ↔ tomorrow
young ↔ old

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