2007-2009년 카자흐스탄 정부 프로그램
카자흐스탄 국회가 2007년-2009년의 정부프로그램을 인준했다.
카림 마시모프 총리가 제출한 프로그램의 주요내용
- GDP 성장율 : 년 7.5~8%
- 산업 성장율 : 년 8.2~8.8%
- 농업 성장율 : 년 3%
- 건축 증가율 : 년 20~24% -
- 고정 자본금의 투자 증가율 : 년 14~15%
- 실질 임금 상승율 : 년 9.2~9.6%
- 연금 상승율 : 년 6.5~7%
Kazakhstan government program for 2007 - 2009 |
Astana. February 9. Kazakhstan Today - Today at the joint session of the Chambers of the Parliament the deputies approved the government program for 2007 - 2009, the agency reports.
According to the program presented by the Prime Minister Karim Masimov, in 2007 - 2009 the real mid-annual GDP growth will total up to 7.5 - 8 %, the annual growth of industrial production is predicted to be at the level of 8.2 - 8.8 %, growth of gross agricultural production about 3% per year. The increase of construction work for the three-year period is expected to reach the level of 20 - 24 % per year. The rate of growth of investments into fixed capital is predicted to be 14-15 % annually. According to the government forecast, mid-annual rates of growth of real wages will reach 9.2 - 9.6 %, pensions - 6.5 - 7 %.
One of the main government's objectives for the nearest years is carrying out administrative reform: registers and standards of state services will be approved, the performance of which will be supervised through regular audit and sociological researche.
The government plans to continue the work on demonopolization of industrial sector of the economy and elimination of administrative barriers to business. It is planned to increase a share of Kazakhstan participation in subsoil use and develop the national export program.
The cabinet is intended to analyze tax policy aimed at stimulation of industrially innovative development of the country, increase of competitiveness, and reduction of the share of shadow economy.
In the social sphere, the Prime Minister set the agenda to develop new model of management of the education system and science, provision of the accessible and qualified medical services for the population, solution of social problems of citizens of Kazakhstan living in Baikonur, benefit increase for the families having children. Among priority objectives of the government is preservation of the ecological system of the Caspian region. |
출처 : 카자흐스탄 투데이 - 카자흐스탄 정보마당(http://cafe.daum.net/zhanna)의 독점 제휴 번역본으로 승인 없이 타 사이트로 퍼가거나 변조하여 개재 시에는 법적인 책임을 지게 됩니다.
출처 : 카자흐스탄정보
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